Source code for tellcore.telldus

# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Erik Johansson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307

    import queue
except ImportError:
    # Fall back on old (python 2) variant
    import Queue as queue

import tellcore.constants as const
from tellcore.library import Library, TelldusError, BaseCallbackDispatcher

from datetime import datetime

[docs]class QueuedCallbackDispatcher(BaseCallbackDispatcher): """The default callback dispatcher used by :class:`TelldusCore`. Queues callbacks that arrive from Telldus Core. Then calls them in the main thread (or more precise: the thread calling :func:`process_callback`) instead of the callback thread used by Telldus Core. This way the application using :class:`TelldusCore` don't have to do any thread synchronization. Only make sure :func:`process_pending_callbacks` is called regularly. """ def __init__(self): super(QueuedCallbackDispatcher, self).__init__() self._queue = queue.Queue()
[docs] def on_callback(self, callback, *args): self._queue.put((callback, args))
[docs] def process_callback(self, block=True): """Dispatch a single callback in the current thread. :param boolean block: If True, blocks waiting for a callback to come. :return: True if a callback was processed; otherwise False. """ try: (callback, args) = self._queue.get(block=block) try: callback(*args) finally: self._queue.task_done() except queue.Empty: return False return True
[docs] def process_pending_callbacks(self): """Dispatch all pending callbacks in the current thread.""" while self.process_callback(block=False): pass
[docs]class AsyncioCallbackDispatcher(BaseCallbackDispatcher): """Dispatcher for use with the event loop available in Python 3.4+. Callbacks will be dispatched on the thread running the event loop. The loop argument should be a BaseEventLoop instance, e.g. the one returned from asyncio.get_event_loop(). """ def __init__(self, loop): super(AsyncioCallbackDispatcher, self).__init__() self._loop = loop
[docs] def on_callback(self, callback, *args): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(callback, *args)
[docs]class TelldusCore(object): """The main class for tellcore-py. Has methods for adding devices and for enumerating controllers, devices and sensors. Also handles callbacks; both registration and making sure the callbacks are processed in the main thread instead of the callback thread. """
[docs] def __init__(self, library_path=None, callback_dispatcher=None): """Create a new TelldusCore instance. Only one instance should be used per program. :param str library_path: Passed to the :class:`.library.Library` constructor. :param str callback_dispatcher: An instance implementing the :class:`.library.BaseCallbackDispatcher` interface ( e.g. :class:`QueuedCallbackDispatcher` or :class:`AsyncioCallbackDispatcher`) A callback dispatcher must be provided if callbacks are to be used. """ super(TelldusCore, self).__init__() self.lib = Library(library_path, callback_dispatcher)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'callback_dispatcher': return self.lib.callback_dispatcher raise AttributeError(name)
[docs] def register_device_event(self, callback): """Register a new device event callback handler. See :ref:`event-example` for more information. :return: the callback id """ return self.lib.tdRegisterDeviceEvent(callback)
[docs] def register_device_change_event(self, callback): """Register a new device change event callback handler. See :ref:`event-example` for more information. :return: the callback id """ return self.lib.tdRegisterDeviceChangeEvent(callback)
[docs] def register_raw_device_event(self, callback): """Register a new raw device event callback handler. See :ref:`event-example` for more information. :return: the callback id """ return self.lib.tdRegisterRawDeviceEvent(callback)
[docs] def register_sensor_event(self, callback): """Register a new sensor event callback handler. See :ref:`event-example` for more information. :return: the callback id """ return self.lib.tdRegisterSensorEvent(callback)
[docs] def register_controller_event(self, callback): """Register a new controller event callback handler. See :ref:`event-example` for more information. :return: the callback id """ return self.lib.tdRegisterControllerEvent(callback)
[docs] def unregister_callback(self, cid): """Unregister a callback handler. :param int id: the callback id as returned from one of the register_*_event methods. """ self.lib.tdUnregisterCallback(cid)
[docs] def devices(self): """Return all known devices. :return: list of :class:`Device` or :class:`DeviceGroup` instances. """ devices = [] count = self.lib.tdGetNumberOfDevices() for i in range(count): device = DeviceFactory(self.lib.tdGetDeviceId(i), lib=self.lib) devices.append(device) return devices
[docs] def sensors(self): """Return all known sensors. :return: list of :class:`Sensor` instances. """ sensors = [] try: while True: sensor = self.lib.tdSensor() sensors.append(Sensor(lib=self.lib, **sensor)) except TelldusError as e: if e.error != const.TELLSTICK_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: raise return sensors
[docs] def controllers(self): """Return all known controllers. Requires Telldus core library version >= 2.1.2. :return: list of :class:`Controller` instances. """ controllers = [] try: while True: controller = self.lib.tdController() del controller["name"] del controller["available"] controllers.append(Controller(lib=self.lib, **controller)) except TelldusError as e: if e.error != const.TELLSTICK_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: raise return controllers
[docs] def add_device(self, name, protocol, model=None, **parameters): """Add a new device. :return: a :class:`Device` or :class:`DeviceGroup` instance. """ device = Device(self.lib.tdAddDevice(), lib=self.lib) try: = name device.protocol = protocol if model: device.model = model for key, value in parameters.items(): device.set_parameter(key, value) # Return correct type return DeviceFactory(, lib=self.lib) except Exception: import sys exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: device.remove() except: pass if "with_traceback" in dir(Exception): raise exc_info[0].with_traceback(exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) else: exec("raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]")
[docs] def add_group(self, name, devices): """Add a new device group. :return: a :class:`DeviceGroup` instance. """ device = self.add_device(name, "group") device.add_to_group(devices) return device
[docs] def send_raw_command(self, command, reserved=0): """Send a raw command.""" return self.lib.tdSendRawCommand(command, reserved)
[docs] def connect_controller(self, vid, pid, serial): """Connect a controller.""" self.lib.tdConnectTellStickController(vid, pid, serial)
[docs] def disconnect_controller(self, vid, pid, serial): """Disconnect a controller.""" self.lib.tdDisconnectTellStickController(vid, pid, serial)
[docs]def DeviceFactory(id, lib=None): """Create the correct device instance based on device type and return it. :return: a :class:`Device` or :class:`DeviceGroup` instance. """ lib = lib or Library() if lib.tdGetDeviceType(id) == const.TELLSTICK_TYPE_GROUP: return DeviceGroup(id, lib=lib) return Device(id, lib=lib)
[docs]class Device(object): """A device that can be controlled by Telldus Core. Can be instantiated directly if the id is known, but using :func:`DeviceFactory` is recommended. Otherwise returned from :func:`TelldusCore.add_device` or :func:`TelldusCore.devices`. """ PARAMETERS = ["devices", "house", "unit", "code", "system", "units", "fade"] def __init__(self, id, lib=None): super(Device, self).__init__() lib = lib or Library() super(Device, self).__setattr__('id', id) super(Device, self).__setattr__('lib', lib)
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the device from Telldus Core.""" return self.lib.tdRemoveDevice(
def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'name': func = self.lib.tdGetName elif name == 'protocol': func = self.lib.tdGetProtocol elif name == 'model': func = self.lib.tdGetModel elif name == 'type': func = self.lib.tdGetDeviceType else: raise AttributeError(name) return func( def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'name': func = self.lib.tdSetName elif name == 'protocol': func = self.lib.tdSetProtocol elif name == 'model': func = self.lib.tdSetModel else: raise AttributeError(name) func(, value)
[docs] def parameters(self): """Get dict with all set parameters.""" parameters = {} for name in self.PARAMETERS: try: parameters[name] = self.get_parameter(name) except AttributeError: pass return parameters
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name): """Get a parameter.""" default_value = "$%!)(INVALID)(!%$" value = self.lib.tdGetDeviceParameter(, name, default_value) if value == default_value: raise AttributeError(name) return value
[docs] def set_parameter(self, name, value): """Set a parameter.""" self.lib.tdSetDeviceParameter(, name, str(value))
[docs] def turn_on(self): """Turn on the device.""" self.lib.tdTurnOn(
[docs] def turn_off(self): """Turn off the device.""" self.lib.tdTurnOff(
[docs] def bell(self): """Send "bell" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdBell(
[docs] def dim(self, level): """Dim the device. :param int level: The level to dim to in the range [0, 255]. """ self.lib.tdDim(, level)
[docs] def execute(self): """Send "execute" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdExecute(
[docs] def up(self): """Send "up" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdUp(
[docs] def down(self): """Send "down" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdDown(
[docs] def stop(self): """Send "stop" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdStop(
[docs] def learn(self): """Send "learn" command to the device.""" self.lib.tdLearn(
[docs] def methods(self, methods_supported): """Query the device for supported methods.""" return self.lib.tdMethods(, methods_supported)
[docs] def last_sent_command(self, methods_supported): """Get the last sent (or seen) command.""" return self.lib.tdLastSentCommand(, methods_supported)
[docs] def last_sent_value(self): """Get the last sent (or seen) value.""" try: return int(self.lib.tdLastSentValue( except ValueError: return None
[docs]class DeviceGroup(Device): """Extends :class:`Device` with methods for managing a group E.g. when a group is turned on, all devices in that group are turned on. """
[docs] def add_to_group(self, devices): """Add device(s) to the group.""" ids = { for d in self.devices_in_group()} ids.update(self._device_ids(devices)) self._set_group(ids)
[docs] def remove_from_group(self, devices): """Remove device(s) from the group.""" ids = { for d in self.devices_in_group()} ids.difference_update(self._device_ids(devices)) self._set_group(ids)
[docs] def devices_in_group(self): """Fetch list of devices in group.""" try: devices = self.get_parameter('devices') except AttributeError: return [] ctor = DeviceFactory return [ctor(int(x), lib=self.lib) for x in devices.split(',') if x]
@staticmethod def _device_ids(devices): try: iter(devices) except TypeError: devices = [devices] ids = set() for device in devices: try: ids.add( except AttributeError: # Assume device is id ids.add(int(device)) return ids def _set_group(self, ids): self.set_parameter('devices', ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]))
[docs]class Sensor(object): """Represents a sensor. Returned from :func:`TelldusCore.sensors` """ DATATYPES = {"temperature": const.TELLSTICK_TEMPERATURE, "humidity": const.TELLSTICK_HUMIDITY, "rainrate": const.TELLSTICK_RAINRATE, "raintotal": const.TELLSTICK_RAINTOTAL, "winddirection": const.TELLSTICK_WINDDIRECTION, "windaverage": const.TELLSTICK_WINDAVERAGE, "windgust": const.TELLSTICK_WINDGUST} def __init__(self, protocol, model, id, datatypes, lib=None): super(Sensor, self).__init__() self.protocol = protocol self.model = model = id self.datatypes = datatypes self.lib = lib or Library()
[docs] def has_value(self, datatype): """Return True if the sensor supports the given data type. sensor.has_value(TELLSTICK_TEMPERATURE) is identical to calling sensor.has_temperature(). """ return (self.datatypes & datatype) != 0
[docs] def value(self, datatype): """Return the :class:`SensorValue` for the given data type. sensor.value(TELLSTICK_TEMPERATURE) is identical to calling sensor.temperature(). """ value = self.lib.tdSensorValue( self.protocol, self.model,, datatype) return SensorValue(datatype, value['value'], value['timestamp'])
def __getattr__(self, name): typename = name.replace("has_", "", 1) if typename in Sensor.DATATYPES: datatype = Sensor.DATATYPES[typename] if name == typename: return lambda: self.value(datatype) else: return lambda: self.has_value(datatype) raise AttributeError(name)
[docs]class SensorValue(object): """Represents a single sensor value. Returned from :func:`Sensor.value`. """ def __init__(self, datatype, value, timestamp): super(SensorValue, self).__init__() self.datatype = datatype self.value = value self.timestamp = timestamp def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "datetime": return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp) raise AttributeError(name)
[docs]class Controller(object): """Represents a Telldus controller. Returned from :func:`TelldusCore.controllers` """ def __init__(self, id, type, lib=None): lib = lib or Library() super(Controller, self).__init__() super(Controller, self).__setattr__('id', id) super(Controller, self).__setattr__('type', type) super(Controller, self).__setattr__('lib', lib) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.lib.tdControllerValue(, name) except TelldusError as e: if e.error == const.TELLSTICK_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED: raise AttributeError(name) raise def __setattr__(self, name, value): try: self.lib.tdSetControllerValue(, name, value) except TelldusError as e: if e.error == const.TELLSTICK_ERROR_SYNTAX: raise AttributeError(name) raise